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Including Delphi Type Libraries in repository (SVN)?

What is the best way to save a Delphi Type Library in SVN.

The file changes every time you compile the Application

The file is not saved in a readable form of AscII

It is very difficult to work out what changes have been made from one version to the next

This is a major problem when more than one person is changing the file


1) Should one save an exported ‘IDL’ file in the version control ?

2) Can one covert an ‘IDL ’ into a Delphi type library If so how ?

3) What are the best practices when working with a Delphi type library ?

4) How easy is it get rid of the type library in Delphi2009 datasnap project?

p.s. I am using BDS2006


  • Prior to Delphi 2009, I would not check in the TLB file but manually put the TLB (and *_TLB.PAS file for reference) into a zip file then force that into version control. When ever I made actual changes to the TLB, I would update the zip file and check it in. The local TLB was always made read/write and ignored by the version control system. This scheme saved me several times when the TLB file would mysteriously no longer compile, I could just close my project, unzip from the zip file, reload the project and continue working.