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Very slow reaction RSSI_CHANGED_ACTION

I already red some Questions about this topic like this one for example: Application never receives RSSI_CHANGED_ACTION

But they solved the problem using SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION. I also did this but now I have to use RSSI_CHANGED_ACTION because of customer requirements.

It seems like it reacts slow to rssi changes. For example it only change when I make bigger location changes. When I use SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION it changes very often. Even when I am just in one room.

So why is RSSI_CHANGED_ACTION slow reacting?


  • I found the answer why it´s "slow reacting". In I found this snippet here:

             * Rather then sending the raw RSSI out every time it
             * changes, we precalculate the signal level that would
             * be displayed in the status bar, and only send the
             * broadcast if that much more coarse-grained number
             * changes. This cuts down greatly on the number of
             * broadcasts, at the cost of not informing others
             * interested in RSSI of all the changes in signal
             * level.

    and in I found this here:

      /* RSSI Levels as used by notification icon
       Level 4  -55 <= RSSI
       Level 3  -66 <= RSSI < -55
       Level 2  -77 <= RSSI < -67
       Level 1  -88 <= RSSI < -78
       Level 0         RSSI < -88 */

    I think it is self explaining. I tested this out and you get only a Broadcast recieve If you pass one level. For example you have better or equal -55 dbm and after next polling you have betwenn -66 and -55 you get a Broadcastrecieve. But if your dBm Value just changes between -55 and -66 you will never receive a broadcast.