The TensorBoard UI shows something called a "Reference edge" as distinct from a data flow (Tensor
) edge:
What distinguishes the former from the latter?
The documentation says that "the outgoing operation node can mutate the incoming tensor", but indicates different symbols that don't match the UI, so it's hard to tell what's meant by "incoming" and "outgoing":
For example how does this definition apply to
cs = tf.constant([1,2,3], name='const_share')
vs = tf.Variable([1,2,3], name='var_share')
tf.add(cs, vs, name='opVS1')
tf.add(vs, cs, name='opVS2')
or to
tf.add([4],[3], name='opA')
In both cases it just seems that the reference edge indicates that the value its tail fills the Tensor
represented by the edge.
This is a source of confusion, even to DeepMind developers and is being fixed in future releases so that: