I am trying to inject loggers into different classes using inversify. I want to pass the target class name to the logger to categorize it.
The problem is I can't access the target name from where i'm creating the binding:
container.bind<log4js.Logger>(Types.Logger).toDynamicValue(context => {
let className = context....?; // Finds class name
return log4js.getLogger(className);
Is there any way of doing this other than setting it once the logger is created in the object receiving the logger?
Thank you!
This new feature makes it possible to access the class name from the context. The name will be minified though. This can be solved by comparing against the class.
container.bind<Warrior>(TYPE.Warrior)to(Ninja).inActivation((context) => {
const currentClass = context.currentRequest.bindings[0].implementationType;
if (currentClass) {
if (currentClass === Ninja) {
// ...
Original post:
Thanks for asking this question. What you are looking for it is not possible at the moment but I have created an issue in GitHub to ensure that we do something about it. You can learn more about it at https://github.com/inversify/InversifyJS/issues/576