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laravel 5.4 undefined variable in view

I'm kind of new to laravel and trying to pull data from a database but keep hitting an error page saying there's an undefined variable within the view.

I'm supposing there's something I'm doing wrong (or not doing) within the controller. So I have a create.blade.php that posts data from a form to the database and everything works fine, however I want it such that after posting to the database to redirect to the show.blade.php showing the uploaded data and here is where I hit a brick wall with the error messages.

This is my store function within the controller -

public function store(Request $request)
     $data4page = new Data4page;

     $data4page->h1Ttle = $request->h1Ttle;
     $data4page->h4Ttle = $request->h4Ttle;
     $data4page->description = $request->description;

     /*redirecting to the content's show page*/
     return redirect()->route('', $data4page->id);

And this is the show function within the same controller -

public function show($id)
        $data4page = Data4page::find($id);
        return view('')->with(compact('data4page'));

The error message I'm getting is -

Undefined variable: data4page (View: /var/www/html/theproject/resources/views/content/show.blade.php)

And in the show.blade.php this is a sample of what I have -

<h1>{{ $data4page->h4Ttle }}</h1>
<p>{{ $data4page->description }}</p>
<h4>{{ $data4page->h4Ttle }}</h4>

Having said all that, I have also tried various means of returning the view within the show function of the controller but all these result in the same error message above. These variants include -

return view('')->with('data4page', $data4page);
return view('',['data4page'=>$data4page]);

Update: I earlier had typos but now the error I get is -

undefined variable: {"id":9,"h1Ttle":"h1 sample text","h4Ttle":"h4 sample text","description":"body text goes here"} (View: /var/www/html/theproject/resources/views/content/show.blade.‌​‌​php)

This is the show.blade.php -

      <div class="app-template">
         <main class="wrapperMain">
            <div class="">
               <aside class="navSidebar">
                  <nav class="navProperty">
                     <h1 class="navProperty-title">{{ $data4page->h1Ttle }}</h1>
                  <footer class="footerProperty">
                     <div class="upcomingSchedule">
                        <h4 class="upcomingSchedule-heading">{{ $data4page->h4Ttle }}</h4>
            <div class="content content--withSidebar">
               <div class="lead--Home">
                  <p>{{ $data4page->description }}</p>


  • You have a name mismatch.

    return view('')->with(['name' => $data4page]);

    Here you should use:

    <h1>{{ $name->h4Ttle }}</h1>

    As you called it name

    In your other options you defined Data4page and in your view you use data4page (lower case d).