In my iPhone app, I am having a grouped table view. I have used viewForHeaderInSection method to change the font color and size of font of section headers.
I have 4 sections in the tableview.
If there is no data in Section 0 and section 1 then too Section 2 starts to display in table somewhere near center of the view instead of top of the screen.
I want that when section 0 and section 1 cells are empty the section 2 should come at the top of the view as if it is section 0.
How should I proceed?
for this purpose,
you need to check weather data exist or not suppose you display data from array so,check
([array count]>0)
check this according to you and now,when you return the number of section then you cant
return 4;[hard code].
dynamically check data then according to condition return the number of section.