I am trying to use mbenford/ngTagsInput directive as below
<tags-input name="skill" ng-model="storage.skills" placeholder="specializations"
min-tags="1" add-on-enter="true" min-length="1" key-property="id" display-property="name" required>
<auto-complete source="getSkillSearch($query)" highlight-matched-text="true" min-length="1"></auto-complete>
Here if you see i have set the key property as id, when i add new tags(which does not have the key property), the directive does not allow me to do so more than once .
https://github.com/mbenford/ngTagsInput/issues/509 (Something very similar), but no solution to this. Is their a workaround or i am missing something very silly.
There is a property called onTagAdding
. Provide a function that creates an id
for the tag on adding. Here's an example:
<tags-input name="skill" ng-model="storage.skills" placeholder="specializations"
min-tags="1" add-on-enter="true" min-length="1" key-property="id" display-property="name" on-tag-adding="createId($tag)" required>
<auto-complete source="getSkillSearch($query)" highlight-matched-text="true" min-length="1"></auto-complete>
$scope.createId= function(tag) {
// Only do this if tag.id is undefined
if(angular.isUndefined(tag.id) {
tag.id= tag.name; // or create a random value