Search code examples

Elasticsearch multisearch returns wrong response but single query returns correct response

Running the following query on Elasticsearch using official python client returns the wrong response but running them separately gives out the correct response.

Following object is passed as search_doc to elasticsearch.msearch():

    'type': 1,
    'index': 'xyz'
    'query': {
      'bool': {
        'must': [
            'match_phrase': {
              'messageid': 'DEL_1CKCJAR'
            'regexp': {
              'dsn': '2.[0-9].[0-9]'
    'type': 1,
    'index': 'xyz'
    'query': {
      'bool': {
        'must': [
            'match_phrase': {
              'messageid': 'DEL_1CKCJAR'
            'regexp': {
              'dsn': '5.[0-9].[0-9]'
    'type': 1,
    'index': 'xyz'
    'query': {
      'bool': {
        'must': [
            'match_phrase': {
              'messageid': 'DEL_1CKCJAR'
            'regexp': {
              'dsn': '4.[0-9].[0-9]'

and returns the following response:

    'took': 42,
    'hits': {
      'hits': [

      'total': 0,
      'max_score': None
    'status': 200,
    'timed_out': False,
    '_shards': {
      'failed': 0,
      'total': 5,
      'successful': 5
    'took': 41,
    'hits': {
      'hits': [

      'total': 0,
      'max_score': None
    'status': 200,
    'timed_out': False,
    '_shards': {
      'failed': 0,
      'total': 5,
      'successful': 5
    'took': 41,
    'hits': {
      'hits': [

      'total': 0,
      'max_score': None
    'status': 200,
    'timed_out': False,
    '_shards': {
      'failed': 0,
      'total': 5,
      'successful': 5

However, run separately on index xyz, a query such as follows:

  'query': {
    'bool': {
      'must': [
          'match_phrase': {
            'messageid': 'DEL_1CKCJAR'
          'regexp': {
            'dsn': '4.[0-9].[0-9]'

returns the following response:

  "took": 6,
  "timed_out": false,
  "_shards": {
    "total": 5,
    "successful": 5,
    "failed": 0
  "hits": {
    "total": 18,
    "max_score": 2.7300916,
    "hits": [
        "_index": "xyz",
        "_type": "log",
        "_id": "3A91F141442",
        "_score": 2.7300916,
        "_source": {
          "pid": "13034",
          "type": "log",
          "logsource": "localhost",
          "qid": "3A91F141442",
          "@timestamp": "2017-06-05T16:44:16.177Z",
          "@version": "1",
          "host": "localhost.localdomain",
          "client": "unknown[XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]",
          "messageid": "20170606062113.12268.36913.DEL_1CKCJAR@localhost.localdomain>",
          "nrcpt": "1",
          "queuestatus": "queue active",
          "size": "1297",
          "from": "",
          "reason": "(connect to[XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]:25: Connection timed out)",
          "relayhost": "none",
          "result": "deferred",
          "delay": "8707",
          "to": "",
          "dsn": "4.4.1"

, which is the desired response. So far, I cannot figure out why the individual request works but the multi_search request does not.

Note: The Data being searched is Elasticsearch log data.

Any help is appreciated. :)


  • I'd say that your multi search query uses the wrong type:

        'type': 1,
        'index': 'xyz'

    The documents returned by your single search query have the type log. Either leave out the type entirely or use log and your queries should return the desired results.