How to deal with OpenGL cube map textures in CUDA?
When one want to use OpenGL textures in CUDA kernel one of the things to do is to retrieve a CUDA array from registered image and mapped resource, in this case a texture. In driver API it is done by cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray
call, which in a case of 2D texture is not a problem. But when talking about aforementioned cube map, third parameter of this function requires a face enum (like CU_CUBEMAP_FACE_POSITIVE_X
). Thus some questions arise - when one passes such an enum, then the returned texture array will contain only data of that particular face, right? Then how to use cube texture as a whole, to perform cube mapping, likewise:
color = texCube(cubeMap, x, y, z);
Or is it impossible to do so in CUDA kernel and one need to use 2D textures with proper calculations and sampling in user code?
OK - I managed to solve the problem myself, though the solution isn't as simple as using another CUDA function.
To bind a CUDA texture reference with any texture, be it one obtained from OpenGL or D3D, one has to provide a CUDA array that is mapped to a resource, using cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray
to retrieve it. As I mentioned in the question, it is simple in case of a one or two dimensional texture. But with other available types it is more complicated.
At any time we need a CUDA array that the reference is bound to. Same goes with the cube map texture. But in such a case the array has to be a 3D one. The problem is that CUDA driver API provides only the aforementioned function to retrieve a single layer from such a texture resource, and map it to a single, two dimensional array. To get what we want we have to make ourselves the 3D array containing all the layers (or faces in case of a cube map).
First of all we have to get arrays for each layer/face using the above function. Next step is to create the 3D array by call to cuArray3DCreate
, fed with proper set of parameters (size/number of layers, level of detail, data format, number of channels per texel and some flags). Then we have to copy the layers' arrays to the 3D one with a series of calls to cuMemcpy3D
, one for each layer/face array.
Finally, we set our target CUDA texture reference with cuTexRefSetArray
, fed with the 3D array we created and copied to. Inside of the device code we create a reference with proper texture type and mode (float4 and cube map) and sample it with texCubemap
Below I put a fragment of the function which does all that, available in full length in CIRT Repository (cirt_server.c file, function cirtTexImage3D
if (result)
// Create a 3D array...
CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR layeredTextureDescr;
layeredTextureDescr.Width = w;
layeredTextureDescr.Height = h;
layeredTextureDescr.Depth = d;
layeredTextureDescr.Format = map_type_to_format(type);
layeredTextureDescr.NumChannels = format == CIRT_RGB ? CIRT_RGBA : format;
layeredTextureDescr.Flags = map_target_to_flags(target);
if (result) result = LogCUDADriverCall(cuArray3DCreate(&hTexRefArray, &layeredTextureDescr),
FUN_NAME(": cuArray3DCreate_tex3D"), __FILE_LINE__);
// Copy the acquired layer/face arrays into the collective 3D one...
CUDA_MEMCPY3D layerCopyDescr;
layerCopyDescr.srcMemoryType = CU_MEMORYTYPE_ARRAY;
layerCopyDescr.srcXInBytes = 0;
layerCopyDescr.srcZ = 0;
layerCopyDescr.srcY = 0;
layerCopyDescr.srcLOD = 0;
layerCopyDescr.dstMemoryType = CU_MEMORYTYPE_ARRAY;
layerCopyDescr.dstLOD = 0;
layerCopyDescr.WidthInBytes = layeredTextureDescr.NumChannels * w;
layerCopyDescr.Height = h;
layerCopyDescr.Depth = target == CIRT_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP ? 1 : d;
layerCopyDescr.dstArray = hTexRefArray;
for (i = 0; i < num_layers; ++i)
layer = ((num_layers == 6) ? CU_CUBEMAP_FACE_POSITIVE_X + i : i);
layerCopyDescr.dstXInBytes = 0;
layerCopyDescr.dstY = 0;
layerCopyDescr.dstZ = i;
layerCopyDescr.srcArray = hLayres[i];
if (result) result = LogCUDADriverCall(cuMemcpy3D(&layerCopyDescr),
FUN_NAME(": cuMemcpy3D_tex3D"), __FILE_LINE__);
// Finally bind the 3D array with texture reference...
if (result) LogCUDADriverCall(cuTexRefSetArray(hTexRef, hTexRefArray, CU_TRSA_OVERRIDE_FORMAT),
FUN_NAME(": cuTexRefSetArray_tex3D"), __FILE_LINE__);
if (hLayres)
if (result)
current->m_oTextureManager.m_cuTextureRes[current->m_oTextureManager.m_nTexCount++] = hTexResource;
I've checked it with cube maps only for now but it should work just fine with 3D texture as well.