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CUDA cube map textures

How to deal with OpenGL cube map textures in CUDA?

When one want to use OpenGL textures in CUDA kernel one of the things to do is to retrieve a CUDA array from registered image and mapped resource, in this case a texture. In driver API it is done by cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray call, which in a case of 2D texture is not a problem. But when talking about aforementioned cube map, third parameter of this function requires a face enum (like CU_CUBEMAP_FACE_POSITIVE_X). Thus some questions arise - when one passes such an enum, then the returned texture array will contain only data of that particular face, right? Then how to use cube texture as a whole, to perform cube mapping, likewise:

color = texCube(cubeMap, x, y, z);

Or is it impossible to do so in CUDA kernel and one need to use 2D textures with proper calculations and sampling in user code?


  • OK - I managed to solve the problem myself, though the solution isn't as simple as using another CUDA function.

    To bind a CUDA texture reference with any texture, be it one obtained from OpenGL or D3D, one has to provide a CUDA array that is mapped to a resource, using cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray to retrieve it. As I mentioned in the question, it is simple in case of a one or two dimensional texture. But with other available types it is more complicated.

    At any time we need a CUDA array that the reference is bound to. Same goes with the cube map texture. But in such a case the array has to be a 3D one. The problem is that CUDA driver API provides only the aforementioned function to retrieve a single layer from such a texture resource, and map it to a single, two dimensional array. To get what we want we have to make ourselves the 3D array containing all the layers (or faces in case of a cube map).

    First of all we have to get arrays for each layer/face using the above function. Next step is to create the 3D array by call to cuArray3DCreate, fed with proper set of parameters (size/number of layers, level of detail, data format, number of channels per texel and some flags). Then we have to copy the layers' arrays to the 3D one with a series of calls to cuMemcpy3D, one for each layer/face array.

    Finally, we set our target CUDA texture reference with cuTexRefSetArray, fed with the 3D array we created and copied to. Inside of the device code we create a reference with proper texture type and mode (float4 and cube map) and sample it with texCubemap.

    Below I put a fragment of the function which does all that, available in full length in CIRT Repository (cirt_server.c file, function cirtTexImage3D).

    if (result)
        // Create a 3D array...
        CUDA_ARRAY3D_DESCRIPTOR layeredTextureDescr;
        layeredTextureDescr.Width = w;
        layeredTextureDescr.Height = h;
        layeredTextureDescr.Depth = d;
        layeredTextureDescr.Format = map_type_to_format(type);
        layeredTextureDescr.NumChannels = format == CIRT_RGB ? CIRT_RGBA : format;
        layeredTextureDescr.Flags = map_target_to_flags(target);
        if (result) result = LogCUDADriverCall(cuArray3DCreate(&hTexRefArray, &layeredTextureDescr),
            FUN_NAME(": cuArray3DCreate_tex3D"), __FILE_LINE__);
        // Copy the acquired layer/face arrays into the collective 3D one...
        CUDA_MEMCPY3D layerCopyDescr;
        layerCopyDescr.srcMemoryType = CU_MEMORYTYPE_ARRAY;
        layerCopyDescr.srcXInBytes = 0;
        layerCopyDescr.srcZ = 0;
        layerCopyDescr.srcY = 0;
        layerCopyDescr.srcLOD = 0;
        layerCopyDescr.dstMemoryType = CU_MEMORYTYPE_ARRAY;
        layerCopyDescr.dstLOD = 0;
        layerCopyDescr.WidthInBytes = layeredTextureDescr.NumChannels * w;
        layerCopyDescr.Height = h;
        layerCopyDescr.Depth = target == CIRT_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP ? 1 : d;
        layerCopyDescr.dstArray = hTexRefArray;
        for (i = 0; i < num_layers; ++i)
            layer = ((num_layers == 6) ? CU_CUBEMAP_FACE_POSITIVE_X + i : i);
            layerCopyDescr.dstXInBytes = 0;
            layerCopyDescr.dstY = 0;
            layerCopyDescr.dstZ = i;
            layerCopyDescr.srcArray = hLayres[i];
            if (result) result = LogCUDADriverCall(cuMemcpy3D(&layerCopyDescr), 
                FUN_NAME(": cuMemcpy3D_tex3D"), __FILE_LINE__);
        // Finally bind the 3D array with texture reference...
        if (result) LogCUDADriverCall(cuTexRefSetArray(hTexRef, hTexRefArray, CU_TRSA_OVERRIDE_FORMAT),
            FUN_NAME(": cuTexRefSetArray_tex3D"), __FILE_LINE__);
        if (hLayres)
        if (result)
            current->m_oTextureManager.m_cuTextureRes[current->m_oTextureManager.m_nTexCount++] = hTexResource;

    I've checked it with cube maps only for now but it should work just fine with 3D texture as well.