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iOS 11 Core NFC - any sample code?

I just installed the first iOS 11 beta to an iPhone 7 and am interested in trying the NFC. There's nothing about it in settings. I am wondering if there's any sample code out there showing how to read a tag. Can anyone show how to use the Core NFC SDK, in a code snippet?


  • In the Apple Developer site, create a new App ID and make sure that NFC Tag Reading is enabled.

    Dev portal capabilities

    Add the following lines to your .plist file:

    <string>NFC Tag!</string>

    and these to the entitlements file:


    It should look something like this in the corresponding files:

    enter image description here

    Also Core NFC can be enabled via the Capabilities tab in Xcode.

    enter image description here


    Import CoreNFC

    #import <CoreNFC/CoreNFC.h>

    and set the delegate:

    @interface YourViewController : UIViewController <NFCNDEFReaderSessionDelegate>

    In viewDidLoad:

    - (void)viewDidLoad {
        [super viewDidLoad];
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
        NFCNDEFReaderSession *session = [[NFCNDEFReaderSession alloc] initWithDelegate:self queue:dispatch_queue_create(NULL, DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT) invalidateAfterFirstRead:NO];
        [session beginSession];

    In the delegate callback:

    - (void) readerSession:(nonnull NFCNDEFReaderSession *)session didDetectNDEFs:(nonnull NSArray<NFCNDEFMessage *> *)messages {
        for (NFCNDEFMessage *message in messages) {
            for (NFCNDEFPayload *payload in message.records) {
                NSLog(@"Payload data:%@",payload.payload);

    You must also add the didInvalidateWithError delegate callback or you'll not conform with protocol:

    - (void)readerSession:(nonnull NFCNDEFReaderSession *)session didInvalidateWithError:(nonnull NSError *)error {

    You can stop the reader with:

    [session invalidateSession];

    Swift 3/4

    Import CoreNFC

    import CoreNFC

    and set the delegate:

    class YourViewController: UIViewController, NFCNDEFReaderSessionDelegate

    In viewDidLoad:

    override func viewDidLoad() {
            let session = NFCNDEFReaderSession(delegate: self,
                          queue: DispatchQueue(label: "queueName", attributes: .concurrent), invalidateAfterFirstRead: false)  

    In the delegate callback:

    func readerSession(_ session: NFCNDEFReaderSession, didDetectNDEFs messages: [NFCNDEFMessage]) {
      for message in messages {
        for record in message.records {

    You can stop the reader with:



    After launching the view you should immediately see the iOS NFC reader dialog like so:

    iOS NFC reader dialog

    Once this dialog appears you have about a second to place the iPhone near the NFC tag you want to read. Otherwise, the field is deactivated (this seems to be a bug on Apple's end). I often needed to cancel and retry to get consistent readings. More details here.