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Youtube API with Retrofit2 not able to parse response(Error: PlaylistItemListResponse has type PageInfo got LinkedHashMap)

I am trying to use Youtube API with Retrfoit2 on Android but both Jackson/JSON converters are not able to parse objects.


public interface YoutubeService {
    Observable<PlaylistItemListResponse> getVideos(@Query("maxResults") Integer maxResults,
                                               @Query("pageToken")String pageToken,
                                               @Query("playlistId")String playlistId,
                                               @Query("key")String key);

Here is how I am using it:

Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
    youtubeService = retrofit.create(YoutubeService.class);

Below is the error I am getting:

reactivex.exceptions.OnErrorNotImplementedException: field has type, got java.util.LinkedHashMap (through reference chain:["pageInfo"])

This is model for PlaylistItemResponse

Java files for PlaylistItemResponse

This is response

Can someone guide me how to solve this?


  • I can't understand deeper with your problem but try to change like below.

    1.Make it With Gson


    2.change your model class PlaylistItemListResponse with below.

    Link of model class

    because its all about your model class issue.

    Happy coding