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Grails spring security rest inject tokenGenerator

I have a similar requirement like this post mentioned. :REST spring security - Manually authenticating a new user and getting access token

According to the accepted answer, the codes will be like:

class RegisterController {

    def springSecurityService
    def tokenGenerator
    def tokenStorageService

    def register() {
         //do stuff
         String tokenValue = tokenGenerator.generateToken()
         tokenStorageService.storeToken(tokenValue, springSecurityService.principal)

         redirect url: "${tokenValue}"

I tried but it didn't work for me. It seems the TokenGenerator implementation class is not injected right. I understand the default implementation in grails-spring-security-rest TokenGenerator will be the JWT but wonder where should I register or config it.


  • Well if you want to use the "tokenGenerator" then you need to register it under the "resources.groovy" like below

    // creating the bean of token generator

    and then inject it into your controller or service like below

    class RegisterController {
    def springSecurityService
    def tokenGenerator
    def tokenStorageService
        def register() {
             //do stuff
             String tokenValue = tokenGenerator.generateToken()
             tokenStorageService.storeToken(tokenValue, springSecurityService.principal)
             redirect url: "${tokenValue}"

    I have followed the same example (with slight modification) and its working as expected.

    I have used the "userDetailsService" for generating user instance instead of "springSecurityService.reauthenticate(username)"

    So my function looks like below.

     * For generating the access token for the user
     * @param userName : Holds the username of the user
     * @return : access token
    String generateAccessToken(String userName){
        String tokenValue
            //load user details
            def userDetails = userDetailsService.loadUserByUsername(userName)
            //generate access token
            tokenValue = tokenGenerator.generateAccessToken(userDetails).accessToken
            //store access token
            tokenStorageService.storeToken(tokenValue, userDetails)
        } catch (Exception e){
           //Exception handling code
        return tokenValue