I want a regex to match complex mathematical expressions. However I will ask for an easier regex because it will be the simplest case.
Example input: 1+2+3+4
I want to separate each char:
[('1', '+', '2', '+', '3', '+', '4')]
With a restriction: there has to be at least one operation (i.e. 1+2
My regex: ([0-9]+)([+])([0-9]+)(([+])([0-9]+))*
or (\d+)(\+)(\d+)((\+)(\d+))*
Output for re.findall('(\d+)(\+)(\d+)((\+)(\d+))*',"1+2+3+4")
[('1', '+', '2', '+4', '+', '4')]
Why is this not working? Is Python the problem?
You could go the test route.
See if its valid using re.match
then just get the results with re.findall
Python code
import re
input = "1+2+3+4";
if re.match(r"^\d+\+\d+(?:\+\d+)*$", input) :
print ("Matched")
print (re.findall(r"\+|\d+", input))
else :
print ("Not valid")
['1', '+', '2', '+', '3', '+', '4']