I am using the RevoScaleR package in MS Visual Studio, and I'm stuck on a step.
I have one XDF file with a column called "Total_Admits_Pred". I have another XDF file with a column called "Total_Admits".
Both XDF files have the same number of rows. I would like to combine the two XDF files into a single XDF file with both of these columns. How could I do that?
You would do something like this:
xdf_df1 <- rxImport("<path/to/xdf1>")
xdf_df2 <- rxImport("<path/to/xdf2>")
xdfOut <- RxXdfData("<path/to/merged/xdf>") # Should not already exist
# This assumes that xdf2 was the one containing "Total_Admits_Pred"
# and that xdf1 contained "Total_Admits", you'll have to adjust this
# based on your data.
xdf_df1[["Total_Admits_Pred"]] <- xdf_df2$Total_Admits_Pred
# Verify the Data Frame is correct
# Export it
rxDataStep(inData = xdf_df1, outFile = xdfOut)