I am working on a XeLaTeX document. I am almost done with my document, but I need to input text from a foreign language. I am running Mac OS X. I go to Preferences > Language & Text and in there I enable Gurmukhi - QWERTY. This allows me to input Punjabi characters, which I am able to see in MS Word. I want to input the following unicode characters:
ਰੋਂਦਾ ਬੱਚਾ ਿੲਕ
However, when I simply paste it into my TeXworks file, it simply does not show up when I compile a PDF file. I have indeed tried to google this, but came up with nothing other than adding some of these statements to my preamble. I am pretty desperate at this point.
My preamble already looks like this:
\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} %options: [a4paper, leqno, 11pt]
% -----Page Style-------------
% -----Symbols----------------
The characters are correct, but the CM fonts do not contain the glyphs. You need to select an OpenType font that contains Gurmukhi glyphs, and I think you have to explicitly choose the font when you need it. On Mac you can use “Gurmukhi MT” like this:
\newfontfamily\gu{Gurmukhi MT}
{\gu ਰੋਂਦਾ ਬੱਚਾ ਿੲਕ}
(FreeSans and FreeSerif also contain the glyphs.)
Also: The inputenc
package warns that it should not be loaded as XeTeX already uses UTF8.