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Documentum DFS, renaming dm_user (user_name attribute)

After changing some user's user_name attribute with DFS Object web service consistency checker fails. It seems Documentum uses user_name as foreign key in other documents and renaming this attribute on dm_user doesn't change all foreign keys of this user.

Anyone knows how to correctly change user_name value and all its 'dependencies'? Is this even possible with DFS?

Oh, I am using .NET c#, so any solution have to be compatible with that.

Consistency checker report:

WARNING CC-0002: User 'FirstName LastName' is referenced in dm_group with id '1200400186008806' but does not have a valid dm_user object ....

It goes like this for about 50 users. after that comes:

WARNING CC-0007: ACL object with r_object_id '4500000160051328' has a non-existent user 'FirstName LastName' ...

and about 50000 more lines for ACL, sysobjects,...


EDIT: some clarifications

EDIT 2: added consistency checker report


  • Ok, figured it out:

    What you have to do is create new dm_job_request with following attributes:

                object_name = "UserRename",
                job_name = "dm_UserRename",
                method_name = "dm_UserRename",
                request_completed = false,
                priority = 0,
                arguments_keys = "OldUserName,NewUserName,report_only,unlock_locked_obj".Split(','), //stringarrayproperty
                arguments_values = "test,test123,F,T".Split(',') ////stringarrayproperty

    After that you manually run dm_userrename job. I tried to set priority to 1 (that was supposed to be "run Now" option) but it didn't automatically start dm_userrename

    Hope this helps someone.