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troposphere to create alias A record when you have hosted zones with same name

funsetgroup = template.add_resource(RecordSet(
        HostedZoneName=Join('', [Ref(hostedzone), "."]),
        Comment='Hosted Zone Name',
        Name=Join('fun.', [Ref(hostedzone), "."]),
            HostedZoneId=GetAtt(myelb, "CanonicalHostedZoneNameID"),
            DNSName=GetAtt(myelb, "DNSName"),

In this troposphere code I am trying to create an Alias A record for my hosted zone say, But I have 2 hosted zones with the same name(hosted zone Id's will be different). Although I explicitly mention the hosted zone id cloud formation doesn't create the stack saying "duplicate hosted zone found". I also tried just mentioning the hosted zone id without the hostedzone name that fails as well.


  • Did you also try using HostedZoneId instead of HostedZoneName in the RecordSet? This should work - we created Alias records in different zones with the same name in Empire all the time, and our code there uses Cloudformation as well (with a shim similar to troposphere - so much so, we call it troposphere). You can see that here:

    Doing something similar in troposphere should work fine - just use HostedZoneId both in the RecordSet and the AliasTarget objects.