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EarlGrey launches APP with black screen

After successfully adding EarlGrey to existing project (using CocoaPods) project is successfully built (both "for running" and "for testing"). The problem is that if I run the app from XCode it runs as expected. If I run it as a test only splash screen appears and then whole screen turns black. Have anyone encountered such issue? What might be a problem here?

There is somewhat similar question Black screen with EarlGrey but author did not share his solution.

Additional info:

  • XCode 8
  • CocoaPods 1.2.1
  • EarlGrey 1.9.3


  • I followed @khandpur advice and tried debugging my app first. So I found out, that in main.m file we're checking if current run is a test run, by

    BOOL areWeRunningTests = NSClassFromString(@"XCTestCase") != nil;

    Based on that we are running app differently.

    To everyone in similar situation: I've added a check

    BOOL areWeRunningUITests = NSClassFromString(@"EarlGreyImpl") != nil;

    and if that's true app is starting normally.

    Final comments - you have to know your app a little to be able to use EarlGrey easily... :)