I'm creating a chart using Charts library to draw a combined chart in my app.
I succeeded in drawing the graph. Now I want to change the xAxis
label text color of specific labels. The example was shown in the pic.
As in the picture I want to change the color of specific values for example 03/06
& 06/06
. When I referred the library on github they told me to override the drawValues()
function to achieve this. As I'm newbie to swift programming I don't know how to achieve this. Please guide me on how to achieve this task. Thanks in advance.
Inside the XAxisRenderer.swift (not the XAxisRendererHorizontalBarChart like the other answer suggested) add this list with your colors above the drawLabels function:
let labelTextColorList = [UIColor.black, UIColor.red, UIColor.blue, UIColor.brown, UIColor.cyan, UIColor.black, UIColor.black, UIColor.black, UIColor.black, UIColor.black, UIColor.black, UIColor.black]
then replace the drawLabels function with this code:
/// draws the x-labels on the specified y-position
open func drawLabels(context: CGContext, pos: CGFloat, anchor: CGPoint)
let xAxis = self.axis as? XAxis,
let viewPortHandler = self.viewPortHandler,
let transformer = self.transformer
else { return }
#if os(OSX)
let paraStyle = NSParagraphStyle.default().mutableCopy() as! NSMutableParagraphStyle
let paraStyle = NSParagraphStyle.default.mutableCopy() as! NSMutableParagraphStyle
paraStyle.alignment = .center
//label attrs moved from here
/* let labelAttrs = [NSFontAttributeName: xAxis.labelFont,
NSForegroundColorAttributeName: xAxis.labelTextColor,
NSParagraphStyleAttributeName: paraStyle] as [String : NSObject]
let labelRotationAngleRadians = xAxis.labelRotationAngle * ChartUtils.Math.FDEG2RAD
let centeringEnabled = xAxis.isCenterAxisLabelsEnabled
let valueToPixelMatrix = transformer.valueToPixelMatrix
var position = CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: 0.0)
var labelMaxSize = CGSize()
if xAxis.isWordWrapEnabled
labelMaxSize.width = xAxis.wordWrapWidthPercent * valueToPixelMatrix.a
let entries = xAxis.entries
for i in stride(from: 0, to: entries.count, by: 1)
//label attrs moved to here
let labelAttrs: [String: NSObject]!
if(i<labelTextColorList.count) {
labelAttrs = [NSFontAttributeName: xAxis.labelFont,
NSForegroundColorAttributeName: labelTextColorList[i],
NSParagraphStyleAttributeName: paraStyle] as [String : NSObject]
else {
labelAttrs = [NSFontAttributeName: xAxis.labelFont,
NSForegroundColorAttributeName: xAxis.labelTextColor,
NSParagraphStyleAttributeName: paraStyle] as [String : NSObject]
if centeringEnabled
position.x = CGFloat(xAxis.centeredEntries[i])
position.x = CGFloat(entries[i])
position.y = 0.0
position = position.applying(valueToPixelMatrix)
if viewPortHandler.isInBoundsX(position.x)
let label = xAxis.valueFormatter?.stringForValue(xAxis.entries[i], axis: xAxis) ?? ""
let labelns = label as NSString
if xAxis.isAvoidFirstLastClippingEnabled
// avoid clipping of the last
if i == xAxis.entryCount - 1 && xAxis.entryCount > 1
let width = labelns.boundingRect(with: labelMaxSize, options: .usesLineFragmentOrigin, attributes: labelAttrs, context: nil).size.width
if width > viewPortHandler.offsetRight * 2.0
&& position.x + width > viewPortHandler.chartWidth
position.x -= width / 2.0
else if i == 0
{ // avoid clipping of the first
let width = labelns.boundingRect(with: labelMaxSize, options: .usesLineFragmentOrigin, attributes: labelAttrs, context: nil).size.width
position.x += width / 2.0
drawLabel(context: context,
formattedLabel: label,
x: position.x,
y: pos,
attributes: labelAttrs,
constrainedToSize: labelMaxSize,
anchor: anchor,
angleRadians: labelRotationAngleRadians)