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How do I get properties that ONLY have populated values?

How do I get properties that ONLY have populated values?

So for example if I run

Get-QADUser -Identity "SomeOne" -IncludeAllProperties

the output would of course include.. all properties, including those with and those without values. I want a listing of properties with values only. How is it done generally speaking?

This wouldn't be restricted to Quest Cmdlets, I only use Get-QADUser as an example.


  • You could try using the built-in (hidden) property of PowerShell objects called PSObject, which includes a property called Properties, i.e. a list of all properties on the parent object.

    Maybe easier with an example. Take Get-Process... a process can have many attributes (properties) with or without values. In order to get just the ones with values you do this:

    (Get-Process | Select -First 1).PSObject.Properties | ?{$_.Value -ne $null} | FT Name,Value

    Note that I limited this to just the first process returned by Get-Process. We then get all the properties defined on that object, filtering where Value is not null and then displaying just the Name and Value for those properties.