I am new to Prolog but I get the basics. I am having problems reading a file. Here is my file:
78 45 12 32 457 97 12 5 731 2 4 55 44 11 999 7
I want to read it so that I get back the characters as numbers. The first line is the amount of numbers on line 2. The problems are:
1) How to split them on SPACE or NEW LINE character
2) They must be numbers:32, not Strings: "32"
I am using SWI-Prolog.
Here is my implementation:
my_read_file(File,Firt_Number ,List):-
open(File, read, Stream),
read_line(Stream, [Firt_Number]),
read_line(Stream, List),
read_line(Stream, List) :-
read_line_to_codes(Stream, Line),
atom_codes(A, Line),
atomic_list_concat(As, ' ', A),
maplist(atom_number, As, List).
?- my_read_file("file.txt",N,L).
N = 16,
L = [78, 45, 12, 32, 457, 97, 12, 5, 731, 2, 4, 55, 44, 11, 999, 7] .