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Error when adding field to Inquiry form

Working with the Voucher transactions inquiry, I've added a custom field to the GeneralJournalEntry table.

When I try to add this field to my inquiry form, it adds correctly (renders as a drop down), and I can input a value or select one from the drop down list -- the issue is if I attempt to put in a wildcard character (*), I'll get a stack trace error:

SysDictType object not initialized.

(S)\Classes\SysTableRelation\getDictFieldID - line 7
(S)\Classes\SysTableRelation\findRelation - line 41
(C)\Classes\SysLookup\lookupTableRelation - line 13
(C)\Classes\SysLookup\lookupRange - line 133
(C)\Forms\SysQueryForm\Data Sources\Range\Fields\RangeValue\Methods\lookup - line 36
(C)\Forms\SysQueryForm\Designs\DesignList\RangeValue\Methods\lookup - line 27

There aren't any modifications to these classes, and I can't find anything that would lead me to believe that the wildcard is invalid in this field.


  • This problem occurs because the method \SysTableRelation\getDictFieldID uses the EDT of the field at the line dictType = new SysDictType (sysDictField.typeId ()) line;

    I fixed by adding an EDT to the field.