Working with the Voucher transactions inquiry, I've added a custom field to the GeneralJournalEntry table.
When I try to add this field to my inquiry form, it adds correctly (renders as a drop down), and I can input a value or select one from the drop down list -- the issue is if I attempt to put in a wildcard character (*), I'll get a stack trace error:
SysDictType object not initialized.
(S)\Classes\SysTableRelation\getDictFieldID - line 7
(S)\Classes\SysTableRelation\findRelation - line 41
(C)\Classes\SysLookup\lookupTableRelation - line 13
(C)\Classes\SysLookup\lookupRange - line 133
(C)\Forms\SysQueryForm\Data Sources\Range\Fields\RangeValue\Methods\lookup - line 36
(C)\Forms\SysQueryForm\Designs\DesignList\RangeValue\Methods\lookup - line 27
There aren't any modifications to these classes, and I can't find anything that would lead me to believe that the wildcard is invalid in this field.
This problem occurs because the method \SysTableRelation\getDictFieldID
uses the EDT of the field at the line dictType = new SysDictType (sysDictField.typeId ())
I fixed by adding an EDT to the field.