I am creating a form and have 1 Total Quantity and 3 other separate fields.
I would like to check and prompt when user input is more than the Total Quantity.
Total Quantity: 10
Site 1: 5
Site 2: 3
Site 3: 1
If the total quantity of Site 1, Site 2 and Site 3 is more than 10, I would like to halt save data or prompt an error.
PS: New to Access 2016 currently, pardon if this is a basic question.
Thank you.
Set form's Before Update event to "[Event Procedure]" and the actual field names inside the brackets []
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
With Me
If Nz(![Site 1], 0) + Nz(![Site 2], 0) + Nz(![Site 3], 0) > ![Total Quantity] Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox "Invalid quantity."
End If
End With
End Sub