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Spacing between currency symbol and value: iOS swift 3

I am having an app with IAP. I need to show the prices with values based on location. I have made till this. Now I am able to display the prices based on location.

However, I need some spacing between currency symbol and the value. i.e, I need $ 9.99 (currently it shows $9.99).

FYI: I am getting the price from itunes (used a variable to get the price got from itunes and displaying it in a textview).

I have followed this without success: NSNumberFormatter paddingPosition doesn't work

I have also referred this, but it does not work as well: Swift 3 and NumberFormatter (.currency) == ¤?

Any suggestions?

I am doing this:

var index: Int = 0 {
    didSet {

        var monthlyValue = String()

        if prefs.value(forKey: "monthly") != nil {

            monthlyValue = prefs.value(forKey: "monthly") as! String


        let subcharges : Array<String>   = ["Free but limited just to get started","or \(monthlyValue) Billed Monthly",""]

        let yearlypermonth = Int()

        var mycurrency1 = String()

        if prefs.value(forKey: "yearly") != nil {

            let yearlyvalue = prefs.value(forKey: "yearly") as! String

            print("wallet view yearlyvalue: \(yearlyvalue)")

            let firstProduct  = StoreManager.shared.productsFromStore[0]

            if let mycurrency = firstProduct.priceLocale.currencySymbol {

                print("mycurrency: \(mycurrency)")

                mycurrency1 = mycurrency
                prefs.set(mycurrency, forKey: "mycurrency")


            let formatter = NumberFormatter()
            formatter.numberStyle = .currency
//                formatter.paddingPosition = .afterPrefix
//                //formatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US")
//                formatter.paddingCharacter = " "
//                formatter.formatWidth = 7

            let number1 = formatter.number(from: yearlyvalue)

            print("wallet view number1: \(number1)")

            let secondProd = StoreManager.shared.productsFromStore[1]

            let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
//                numberFormatter.paddingPosition = .afterPrefix
//                numberFormatter.paddingCharacter = " "
//                numberFormatter.formatWidth = 7
            // Get its price from iTunes Connect
            numberFormatter.locale = secondProd.priceLocale
            let price2Str = numberFormatter.string(from: secondProd.price)

            let currencynumbers2 =  secondProd.price.doubleValue / 12

            monthonValueforaYear = String(format: "%.2f", currencynumbers2)

            print("walletview VC monthonValueforaYear: \(monthonValueforaYear)")

            //prefs.set(price2Str, forKey: "yearly")
            prefs.set(monthonValueforaYear, forKey: "monthonValueforaYear")

        var charges : Array<String> = ["\(mycurrency1) 0/m","\(mycurrency1 + monthonValueforaYear)/m","Coming Soon"]

        print("wallet view charges: \(charges)")

        self.Headingtitle.text    = Headingarray[index]
        self.planchargelabel.text  = charges[index]
        self.subchargelabel.text = subcharges[index]

Interestingly, for subchargelabel value, I get a little spacing

The commented section was uncommented while I tried running the app. Just so you know it

Thanks for your help!


  • Try to format your required string as below.

    let priceWithSpace: String? = firstProduct.priceLocale.currencySymbol + " " +   product.price