I am using Qt to create a QT tab widget for a GUI. I cant figure out why the tab currently in focus changes the text to white ? It only happens on the currently selected tab. If I open another window in the same GUI, The text goes back to black.
How can I always force the text to remain black, even when under focus ?
I am using Qt 5.8.0 on a mac OS X running El Capitan 10.11.6.
this is my current style sheet
tabWidget1->setStyleSheet("QTabBar::tab { background-color: #ACB6B6; }"
"QTabBar::tab:focus { color: #000000; }");
I've also tried to use this code but it didnt do anything
tabWidget1->setStyleSheet("QTabBar::tab:selected {color: #000000;}");
Resolved using the above stylesheet.