I am from Brazil, so my english is terrible.. I am a begginer in gnuplot and I've been trying to plot a surface. I have a x, y, z data, like points in a 3D space: Points_3D
I understood that i have to grid the data, and i tried to use splot in this way:
set dgrid3d 11, 7
splot 'abs.txt' u 1:2:3 with lines title 'abs'
As you can see, I don't have a lot of point (only 8x12), then the surface plotted is like this: Surface, but this is not the kind of surface I want, because it is not getting all the point, and i would like a softened surface, without this peaks.
I tried to use othes values at "set dgrid3d", but it didn't work. Does anyone know what i should do?
In an other data i have a lot of values in y and only a few values in x, like 8x100, what should i do in this case also??
My data is something like:
2 0.250000000 0.33333334326744080
2 0.500000000 0.33333334326744080
2 1.00000000 0.33333334326744080
2 2.00000000 0.33333334326744080
2 4.00000000 0.33333331346511841
2 8.00000000 0.33333328366279602
2 16.0000000 0.33333316445350647
2 32.0000000 0.33333286643028259
2 64.0000000 0.33333197236061096
2 128.000000 0.33332949876785278
2 256.000000 0.33332267403602600
2 512.000000 0.33330380916595459
3 0.250000000 8.3333335816860199E-002
3 0.500000000 8.3333335816860199E-002
3 1.00000000 8.3333335816860199E-002
3 2.00000000 8.3333328366279602E-002
3 4.00000000 8.3333313465118408E-002
3 8.00000000 8.3333276212215424E-002
3 16.0000000 8.3333164453506470E-002
3 32.0000000 8.3332858979701996E-002
3 64.0000000 8.3331987261772156E-002
3 128.000000 8.3329580724239349E-002
3 256.000000 8.3322964608669281E-002
3 512.000000 8.3304964005947113E-002
4 0.250000000 3.3333335071802139E-002
and continues...
Add a blank line at the end of every row. like this:
2 0.250000000 0.33333334326744080
2 0.500000000 0.33333334326744080
2 1.00000000 0.33333334326744080
2 2.00000000 0.33333334326744080
2 4.00000000 0.33333331346511841
2 8.00000000 0.33333328366279602
2 16.0000000 0.33333316445350647
2 32.0000000 0.33333286643028259
2 64.0000000 0.33333197236061096
2 128.000000 0.33332949876785278
2 256.000000 0.33332267403602600
2 512.000000 0.33330380916595459
3 0.250000000 8.3333335816860199E-002
3 0.500000000 8.3333335816860199E-002
3 1.00000000 8.3333335816860199E-002
3 2.00000000 8.3333328366279602E-002
3 4.00000000 8.3333313465118408E-002
3 8.00000000 8.3333276212215424E-002
3 16.0000000 8.3333164453506470E-002
3 32.0000000 8.3332858979701996E-002
3 64.0000000 8.3331987261772156E-002
3 128.000000 8.3329580724239349E-002
3 256.000000 8.3322964608669281E-002
3 512.000000 8.3304964005947113E-002
4 0.250000000 3.3333335071802139E-002
then plot it:
splot "abs.txt" u 1:2:3 w pm3d