I can not use this declaration, because selectedWords can be any string.
guessWords BYTE SIZEOF selectedWords DUP ('-'), 0
So I try to do this:
;Wordls what we select by rundom code
selectedWords BYTE ?
lengthSelectedWorld DWORD ?
;Letter what we guess, input from keyboard
guessLetter BYTE ?
guessWords BYTE ?
;Letter what are unknows, change with -
letterUnknown BYTE "-", 0
And I have write this function
make_array1 PROC
mov edx,OFFSET selectedWords
call StrLength
mov lengthSelectedWorld,eax
mov lengthSelectedWorld1 ,eax
inc lengthSelectedWorld
cmp lengthSelectedWorld, 1
je done
dec lengthSelectedWorld
mov eax, '-'
mov ecx, lengthSelectedWorld1
mov edi, offset guessWords
rep stosw
mov edx, offset guessWords
call WriteString
call Crlf ;stampamo enter novi red
jmp loop_add_more
mov eax, '0'
mov ecx, lengthSelectedWorld1
mov edi, offset guessWords
rep stosw
mov edx, offset guessWords
call WriteString
call Crlf ;stampamo enter novi red
make_array1 ENDP
But after this funcion I get guessWords what is string of ------- and dont have 0 on the and. So how to make string guessWords=-------0?
Its important for me to have 0 on the end of string because of some other comparation in code..
selectedWords BYTE ?
reserves just one byte for selectedWords. The same issue with guessWords BYTE ?
. Don't play with dynamically allocated memory as newbie. Rather reserve space which is sufficient in any case: guessWords BYTE 50 DUP (?)
. The question mark means that MASM can decide to treat it as uninitialized memory (not stored in the .exe file, but allocated at program start).
stores a WORD (= two characters). However Irvine's StrLength
returns the number of bytes of the string. Use STOSB
instead. After STOSB
points to the character after the last stored AL
. You can store a null there. If you want to see it, temporarily change 0 to '0'.
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
;Wordls what we select by rundom code
selectedWords BYTE "WEIGHTLIFTING", 0
lengthSelectedWord DWORD ?
;Letter what we guess, input from keyboard
guessLetter BYTE ?
guessWords BYTE 50 DUP (?)
;Letter what are unknows, change with -
letterUnknown BYTE "-", 0
make_array1 PROC
mov edx,OFFSET selectedWords
call StrLength ; Irvine32: Length of a null-terminated string pointed to by EDX
mov lengthSelectedWord,eax
mov al, '-' ; Default charcter for guessWords
mov ecx, lengthSelectedWord ; REP counter
mov edi, offset guessWords ; Destination
rep stosb ; Build guessWords
mov BYTE PTR [edi], 0 ; Store the null termination
mov edx, offset guessWords
call WriteString ; Irvine32: write a string pointed to by EDX
call Crlf ; Irvine32: new line
make_array1 ENDP
main PROC
call make_array1
exit ; Irvine32: ExitProcess
main ENDP
END main