I am undergoing some tutorials on google cloud endpoint using the google documentation. I have managed to run my first API but i am having an error generating an OpenAPI document using the endpoint-framework-tools
Long story short, I am having an "unclear" error while trying to generate the OpenAPI document of my google cloud endpoint project.
Official google docs (here) states the below method to generate the file:
get-openapi-doc \
--hostname=YOUR-PROJECT-ID.appspot.com \
--war=target/echo-1.0-SNAPSHOT \
They do not specify what is "com.eample.echo.Echo". Trying to run the command by replacing com.example by my package path I am receiving the below confusing error.
Error: co.mydomain.eliokhattar.myapplication.backend.MyEndpoint
replacing the above package by any other package still gives the same error.
Can any one advise or provide a clear tutorial on how to use this endpoints-framework-tool?
I have figured out the issue, and it was related to the fact that i was not mentionning the -classpath parameter when invoking endpoint framework. The below command worked fine.
endpoints-framework-tools-2.0.0-beta.11/bin/endpoints-framework-tools \
get-openapi-doc \
--hostname=iccloudendpoint.appspot.com \
--war=/Users/eliokhattar/endpints-test/IcExteranlTutorialDemo/icSysBackend/src/main/webapp \
--classpath=/Users/eliokhattar/endpints-test/IcExteranlTutorialDemo/icSysBackend/build/classes/main/ co.mydomain.eliokhattar.myapplication.backend.MyEndpoint
On the other hand i am having a different unrelated error now.