I have a view that pulls a list of everything in the database and it works great. However there is one bit of information that I have to mask, and no matter what I try I can't seem to mask it.
I want to mask it with 5 * (no matter how long the string) and display the last 4 digits.
Any idea of the best way to accomplish this with what I have?
String example: "SD46346" && "ADFF3342422" && "56-AS4566S"
vm.Accounts = accounts
.Select(s => new AdminViewModel.Account
Id= (s._ID.Length > 40 ? Encryptor.Decrypt(s._ID) : s._ID),
return View(vm);
public List<Account> Accounts { get; set;}
public class Account
public string Id { get; set; }
Things I've tried : Server Error in '/xxxxx' Application. StartIndex cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: startIndex –
public string DisplayID
return string.Format("*****{0}", Id.Substring(Id.Length - 4));
It wasn't my code, it was old data that was lost in the database that only had 2 characters.
If you're just after simple replacement for display, you could also add an extra property that you use for display purpose.
string ID {get;set;}
string DisplayID
return string.Format("*****{0}", ID.substring(ID.Length - 4))