I have a acrollview which contains maybe 15 rows in imageview (own special listview). Each row contains text and cross bitmap.
When I first create the scrollview there is almost no memory usage, but at the moment I touch it to scroll, memory usage is increased by ~2 MB.
This tends to make GC run which makes scrolling very choppy.
I'm reusing the views, so this can not be it. Any ideas?
I set bitmap into imageview immediately, not from internet, I generated bitmap from user data. sometimes 25 or more lines.
Can I somehow clear memoryusages? and Init with need value actualy?
I thing so code it's unnecessary, but If you want/need write.
If I scrool too long app crashed on outOfmemory error
I I found out I generated new image on every touch (as it's the same)..
now increase less, but increase.
A best practice in Android for such cases would be to use a Recycler View with an Adapter. This will keep your memory in check.
Also check out this great video from udacity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VPM6ICgCk8