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Visual C++ equivalent of __FILE__ , __LINE__ and __PRETTY_FUNCTION__

GCC compiler gives me the following macros:

  • __FILE__ so that I can print out the file name + directory.
  • __LINE__ so that I can print out the line number of where I'm printing from.
  • __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ so that I can print out the pretty function name

Does Visual C++ have the equivalent of these macros? A side question is, are these standard for C++ compilers?


  • In VS2008, this:

    struct A
        bool Test(int iDummyArg)
            const char *szFile = __FILE__;
            int iLine = __LINE__;
            const char *szFunc = __FUNCTION__; // Func name
            const char *szFunD = __FUNCDNAME__; // Decorated
            const char *szFunS = __FUNCSIG__; // Signature
            printf("%s\n", szFile);
            printf("%d\n", iLine);
            printf("%s\n", szFunc);
            printf("%s\n", szFunD);
            printf("%s\n", szFunS);
            return true;
    int wmain(int argc, TCHAR *lpszArgv[])
        A a;

    will print this:

    bool __thiscall A::Test(int)

    (The line number is "wrong" since there was really some extra stuff at the top of my file.)