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Print one string from arrays of strings

How to make arrays of string in assembler and work with them?

I try:


and after I want to print second word, but its dont work

    mov edx, offset arrayOfWords[2]
    call WriteString

but He print me all world.


  • arrayOfWords is not an array, not even a variable. It's just a label that tells the assembler where it can find something, in this case a bunch of characters. Irvine's WriteString expects a null-terminated bunch of characters as string. There are two methods to treat that bunch of characters as string array.

    1. Search the memory for the right address to the desired string. At every null begins a new string.

      manyWords BYTE "BICYCLE", 0
          BYTE "CANOE", 0
          BYTE "SCATEBOARD", 0
          BYTE "OFFSIDE", 0
          BYTE "TENNIS", 0
          BYTE 0                              ; End of list
      len equ $ - manyWords
      main PROC
          mov edx, 2                          ; Index
          call find_str                       ; Returns EDI = pointer to string
          mov edx, edi
          call WriteString                    ; Irvine32: Write astring pointed to by EDX
          exit                                ; Irvine32: ExitProcess
      main ENDP
      find_str PROC                           ; ARG: EDX = index
          lea edi, manyWords                  ; Address of string list
          mov ecx, len                        ; Maximal number of bytes to scan
          xor al, al                          ; Scan for 0
          sub edx, 1
          jc done                             ; No index left to scan = string found
          repne scasb                         ; Scan for AL
          jmp @B                              ; Next string
      find_str ENDP                           ; RESULT: EDI pointer to string[edx]
      END main
    2. Build an array of pointers to the strings:

      wrd0 BYTE "BICYCLE", 0
      wrd1 BYTE "CANOE", 0
      wrd2 BYTE "SCATEBOARD", 0
      wrd3 BYTE "OFFSIDE", 0
      wrd4 BYTE "TENNIS", 0
      pointers DWORD OFFSET wrd0, OFFSET wrd1, OFFSET wrd2, OFFSET wrd3, OFFSET wrd4
      main PROC
          mov ecx, 2                          ; Index
          lea edx, [pointers + ecx * 4]       ; Address of pointers[index]
          mov edx, [edx]                      ; Address of string
          call WriteString
          exit                                ; Irvine32: ExitProcess
      main ENDP
      END main

    BTW: As in other languages, the index starts at 0. The second string would be index = 1, the third index = 2.