Has anybody experienced using the Invensense IMU3000 with some microcontroller? I am trying to build the IMU library for a PIC but I am stuck with the dependencies.. any other experience with others microcontrollers will be nice as well! Basically I don't get whether it is better to take the Visual Studio 2005 project and make the changes there, adding the PIC dependencies (I get stuck..) or compile the whole library in the PIC environment..
Any hint, even with other platforms, would help!
Thank you all!
While it can be helpful to write code on the PC that will eventually move to the PIC, you will need to make sure that all code that will move has been written with portability in mind. That is, you cannot assume that code that compiles and works perfectly under Visual Studio will work without modification on any other platform.
To run in the PIC, all of the code must be compiled with cross development tools that are designed to target the PIC.
That said, I often develop algorithms and detailed processing code in the PC where a test suite can be easily used to verify its operation, and then recompile it for my target platform.
Incidentally, Google tells me that the IMU-3000 is a MEMS Gyro. It would probably be helpful to include at least the link to its data sheet in the question.