I have a "new items" badge on a page that I want to update immediately the page is loaded from the cache (i.e. when hitting "Back" or "Forward" to return to this page). What is the best way to accomplish this?
The setup is pretty simple. The layout for the app looks for new items every 8 seconds, and updates the badge + list of items accordingly.
$(function() {
setInterval( App.pollForNewItems, 8000 );
When someone navigates away from this page to look at the details of an item, a lot can happen. Things are "new" until any user has viewed them, and the app will likely have several user using it simultaneously (the kind of workflow used for a call center or support tickets).
To make sure that the badges are always up to date, I have:
$(window).bind('focus load', function ( event ) {
..And though this works, polling for new items on 'load' is only useful when the page is loaded from the cache. Is there a reliable cross-browser way to tell if a page is being loaded from the cache?
A partial hacky solution is to have a var with the current time set on the server, and set a var with the current client time at the top of the page. If they differ by more than a certain threshold (1 minute?) then you could assume it's a cached page load.
Example JS (using ASP.Net syntax for the server side):
var serverTime = new Date('<%= DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString() %>');
var pageStartTime = Date.UTC(new Date());
var isCached = serverTime < pageStartTime &&
pageStartTime.getTime() - serverTime.getTime() > 60000;
Alternatively, using cookies on the client side (assuming cookies are enabled), you can check for a cookie with a unique key for the current version of the page. If none exists, you write a cookie for it, and on any other page access, the existence of the cookie shows you that it's being loaded from the cache.
E.g. (assumes some cookie helper functions are available)
var uniqueKey = '<%= SomeUniqueValueGenerator() %>';
var currentCookie = getCookie(uniqueKey);
var isCached = currentCookie !== null;
setCookie(uniqueKey); //cookies should be set to expire
//in some reasonable timeframe