I would like to find out answer on probably quite simple question: I would like to pass quoted strings with whitespaces inside as a standalone arguments for function.
There is the following file with data (for example):
two three
four five six
And there is script with 2 simple functions:
local first_row="$1"
local second_row="$2"
local third_row="$3"
echo "Expected args are:${first_row} ; ${second_row} ; ${third_row}"
echo "All args are:"
for arg in "$@"; do
echo "${arg}"
local args_string
while read line; do
args_string="${args_string} \"${line}\""
echo "Read row: ${line}"
done < ./test_input
params_checker ${args_string}
In other words I would like to get rows from text file as arguments to function params_checker (each row from file as different parameter, I need to keep whitespaces in the rows). Attempt to make combined string with quoted "substrings" was failed, and output was:
~/test_sh$ sh test_process.sh
Read row: one
Read row: two three
Read row: four five six
Read row: seven
Expected args are:"one" ; "two ; three"
All args are:
Expectation is $1="one", $2="two three", $3="four five six" ... Quoting of ${args_string} during passing to params_checker gave another result, string is passed as a single argument.
Could you please help to find out correct way how to pass such strings with whitespaces from file as a different standalone function argumets?
Thanks a lot for help!
In bash/ksh/zsh you'd use an array. In sh
, you can use the parameters "$1", "$2" etc:
set -- # Clear parameters
while read line; do
set -- "$@" "$line" # Append to the parameters
echo "Read row: ${line}"
done < ./test_input
params_checker "$@" # Pass all parameters