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tcl code to catch repeated lines in file

Hi I have the following scenario. I read in a file line by line; then each like will look like: 2 0, 3 0, 4 0, 9 0, 11 3 etc; like "string string". each like then will be put is a variable; $line will have one set of value in each iteration within while loop; now I want to be able to catch if a line is repeated or similar to one we saw previously..

myFile will contain:

2 0 
3 0
9 0 
11 3  
 3 5
2 9 
2 0 
3 5 

Here is the code:

set in [open myFile r]
set exline ""
while {[gets $in line] >= 0} {
    lappend exline $line
    if { [lsearch $exline $line] > 0} {
        puts "same number repeated $line"
close $in


  • How about:

    set fid [open myFile]
    while {[gets $fid line] != -1} {dict incr lines [string trim $line]}
    close $fid
    dict for {line count} $lines {if {$count > 1} {puts "duplicated: $line"}}
    duplicated: 2 0
    duplicated: 3 5