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How to change color of the bubble (under cursor) on EditText (programmatically)?

I have EditText and want to change color PROGRAMMATICALLY on code.

To change color of cursor I use this code.

But how to change color of the circle on EditView PROGRAMMATICALLY on code? orange bubble


  • You will need to use reflection to tint the select handles (bubbles). I wrote the following class this morning:

    Example usage:

    try {
      EditTextTint.applyColor(editText, Color.CYAN);
    } catch (EditTextTint.EditTextTintError e) {

    import android.content.res.Resources;
    import android.widget.EditText;
    import android.widget.TextView;
    import java.lang.reflect.Field;
     * Tint the cursor and select handles of an {@link EditText} programmatically.
    public class EditTextTint {
       * Set the cursor and handle colors for an {@link EditText} programmatically.
       * @param editText
       *     The {@link EditText} to tint
       * @param color
       *     The color to apply for the cursor and select handles
       * @throws EditTextTintError
       *     If an error occured while attempting to tint the view.
      public static void applyColor(@NonNull EditText editText, @ColorInt int color) throws EditTextTintError {
        EditTextTint editTextTint = new Builder(editText)
      private final EditText editText;
      private final Integer cursorColor;
      private final Integer selectHandleLeftColor;
      private final Integer selectHandleRightColor;
      private final Integer selectHandleMiddleColor;
      private EditTextTint(Builder builder) {
        editText = builder.editText;
        cursorColor = builder.cursorColor;
        selectHandleLeftColor = builder.selectHandleLeftColor;
        selectHandleRightColor = builder.selectHandleRightColor;
        selectHandleMiddleColor = builder.selectHandleMiddleColor;
       * Sets the color for the cursor and handles on the {@link EditText editText}.
       * @throws EditTextTintError
       *     if an error occurs while tinting the view.
      public void apply() throws EditTextTintError {
        try {
          Resources res = editText.getContext().getResources();
          // Get the editor
          Field field = TextView.class.getDeclaredField("mEditor");
          Object editor = field.get(editText);
          if (cursorColor != null) {
            // Get the cursor drawable, tint it, and set it on the TextView Editor
            field = TextView.class.getDeclaredField("mCursorDrawableRes");
            int cursorDrawableRes = field.getInt(editText);
            Drawable cursorDrawable = res.getDrawable(cursorDrawableRes).mutate();
            cursorDrawable.setColorFilter(cursorColor, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN);
            Drawable[] drawables = {cursorDrawable, cursorDrawable};
            field = editor.getClass().getDeclaredField("mCursorDrawable");
            field.set(editor, drawables);
          String[] resFieldNames = {"mTextSelectHandleLeftRes", "mTextSelectHandleRightRes", "mTextSelectHandleRes"};
          String[] drawableFieldNames = {"mSelectHandleLeft", "mSelectHandleRight", "mSelectHandleCenter"};
          Integer[] colors = {selectHandleLeftColor, selectHandleRightColor, selectHandleMiddleColor};
          for (int i = 0; i < resFieldNames.length; i++) {
            Integer color = colors[i];
            if (color == null) {
            String resFieldName = resFieldNames[i];
            String drawableFieldName = drawableFieldNames[i];
            field = TextView.class.getDeclaredField(resFieldName);
            int selectHandleRes = field.getInt(editText);
            Drawable selectHandleDrawable = res.getDrawable(selectHandleRes).mutate();
            selectHandleDrawable.setColorFilter(color, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN);
            field = editor.getClass().getDeclaredField(drawableFieldName);
            field.set(editor, selectHandleDrawable);
        } catch (Exception e) {
          throw new EditTextTintError("Error applying tint to " + editText, e);
      public static class Builder {
        final EditText editText;
        Integer cursorColor;
        Integer selectHandleLeftColor;
        Integer selectHandleRightColor;
        Integer selectHandleMiddleColor;
        public Builder(@NonNull EditText editText) {
          this.editText = editText;
        public Builder setCursorColor(@ColorInt int cursorColor) {
          this.cursorColor = cursorColor;
          return this;
        public Builder setSelectHandleLeftColor(@ColorInt int selectHandleLeftColor) {
          this.selectHandleLeftColor = selectHandleLeftColor;
          return this;
        public Builder setSelectHandleRightColor(@ColorInt int selectHandleRightColor) {
          this.selectHandleRightColor = selectHandleRightColor;
          return this;
        public Builder setSelectHandleMiddleColor(@ColorInt int selectHandleMiddleColor) {
          this.selectHandleMiddleColor = selectHandleMiddleColor;
          return this;
        public EditTextTint build() {
          return new EditTextTint(this);
      public static class EditTextTintError extends Exception {
        public EditTextTintError(String message, Throwable cause) {
          super(message, cause);

    Note: This should work from Jelly Bean to Nougat. However, since it uses reflection to get and set private fields this may break in future releases of Android or if a manufacturer has made changes to EditText.