I have Xcode version 8.3.2 (8E2002). I want to update provisioning profiles. Let's say I want to add new devices. I used to create an archive manually using fastlane. How can I check if all new devices start the new archive successfully?
To check what provisioning profiles have been downloaded, you can go to the provisioning profile directory on your Mac (~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
) In there will be the downloaded profiles. You can open the .mobileprovision files in TextEdit and find the <key>ProvisionedDevices</key>
entry. There you will find the list of UDIDs for the devices that are in the provisioning profile.
To update your provisioning profiles, you should be able to go to Xcode->Preferences->Accounts->View Details and click the "Download All Profiles" button.
If you are having problems with the automatic profile management in Xcode, you can always do it manually.