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Slim Framework shared exception handler

For each route in my Slim 3 API I have something like the following:

$app->get('/login', function(Request $request, Response $response)
    # ...
  catch(\My\ExpectedParamException $e)
    $response->withStatus(400); # bad request
  catch(\My\ExpectedResultException $e)
    $response->withStatus(401); # unauthorized
  catch(Exception $e)
    throw $e;

I would write this pattern just once, to avoid code redundancy as much as possible. Basically my routes definition should be limited to #SOME MAGIC HERE. Does Slim provide a way to catch errors in just one part of the code?


  • Yes, you can handle all scenarios in one place. Just define your own error handler and pass it to DI container:

    $container = new \Slim\Container();
    $container['errorHandler'] = function ($container) {
        return function ($request, $response, $exception) use ($container) {
            if ($exception instanceof \My\ExpectedParamException) {
                return $container['response']->withStatus(400); # bad request
            } elseif ($exception instanceof \My\ExpectedResultException) {
                return $container['response']->withStatus(400); # unauthorized
            return $container['response']->withStatus(500)
                                 ->withHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html')
                                 ->write('Something went wrong!');
    $app = new \Slim\App($container);

    Have a look at corresponding part of the framework documentation.