I'm currently learning the lens library by writing some simple functions using the library. Unfortunately, I'm rather confused by the compiler errors generated, and so I'm struggling to determine why, in the function dmg
below, the first two functions compile correctly, but the last fails.
import Control.Lens
type Health = Int
type Damage = Int
data Card = Card {
_health :: Int,
_damage :: Int
} deriving (Show,Eq)
health :: Lens' Card Health
health = lens _health (\card h -> card { _health = h })
damage :: Lens' Card Damage
damage = lens _damage (\card d -> card { _damage = d })
cardDead :: Card -> Bool
cardDead c = c^.health <= 0
duel :: (Card,Card) -> (Card,Card)
duel (c,c2) = ((dmg c c2),(dmg c2 c))
The real meat of the matter.
dmg :: Card -> Card -> Card
dmg myCard otherCard = over health ((-) (otherCard^.damage)) myCard --compiles
dmg myCard otherCard = myCard & health %~ ((-) (otherCard^.damage)) --compiles
dmg myCard otherCard = health %~ ((-) (otherCard^.damage)) myCard --compile error
My question comes in three parts.
Why does the third dmg function fail to compile?
How could I write dmg to still use the (%~)
operator, not use (&)
, and still compile?
What is the most beautiful, idiomatically lens way of writing dmg
For reference, here is one way you could would write dmg without lens
dmg myCard otherCard =
damageTaken = _damage otherCard
oldHealth = _health myCard
newHealth = oldHealth - damageTaken
in myCard {_health = newHealth}
edit: For reference, here is the error message I was having trouble understanding with the (incorrectly written) line 3.
*Main GHC.Arr Control.Applicative Control.Lens> :l Doom.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Doom.hs, interpreted )
Couldn't match expected type `Card' with actual type `Card -> Card'
In the expression: health %~ ((-) (otherCard ^. damage)) myCard
In an equation for `dmg':
dmg myCard otherCard = health %~ ((-) (otherCard ^. damage)) myCard
Couldn't match type `Health -> Health' with `Int'
Expected type: Getting (Health -> Health) Card (Health -> Health)
Actual type: (Damage -> Const (Health -> Health) Damage)
-> Card -> Const (Health -> Health) Card
In the second argument of `(^.)', namely `damage'
In the first argument of `(-)', namely `(otherCard ^. damage)'
Couldn't match expected type `Health -> Health'
with actual type `Card'
In the second argument of `(-)', namely `myCard'
In the second argument of `(%~)', namely
`((-) (otherCard ^. damage)) myCard'
Failed, modules loaded: none.
Prelude GHC.Arr Control.Applicative Control.Lens>
Because parsing rules. Your code is of the form
abc = def %~ ghi jkl
Function application binds tighter than any infix operator, so this is parsed as
abc = def %~ (ghi jkl)
i.e. what other languages would write def %~ ghi(jkl)
You want (def %~ ghi) jkl
instead. This is commonly accomplished with $
in Haskell, i.e.
dmg myCard otherCard = health %~ ((-) (otherCard^.damage)) $ myCard
First I'd eliminate unnecessary parentheses. Operator sections are usually nicer than infix-applied-to expressions, i.e.
dmg myCard otherCard = health %~ ((otherCard^.damage) -) $ myCard
...where the inner parens can be omitted due to
Prelude> :info Control.Lens.^.
infixl 8 Control.Lens.Getter.^.
Prelude> :i -
infixl 6 -
i.e. ^.
binds more tightly than -
anyway, giving
dmg myCard otherCard = health %~ (otherCard^.damage -) $ myCard
Next I'd try η-reduction. This would be easy if the arguments are swapped, which is probably the more Haskell-idiomatic argument order:
dmg otherCard myCard = health %~ (otherCard^.damage -) $ myCard
dmg otherCard = health %~ (otherCard^.damage -)
And that's probably the most elegant solution.
That is, assuming your code is actually correct. I don't know what dmg
is supposed to do, but perhaps more common is the situation where you want to subtract the other card's damage from yours. I.e. basically not (otherCard^.damage -)
but (- otherCard^.damage)
, except that's parsed as an unary minus and would therefore need to be written subtract (otherCard^.damage)
. Lens has dedicated operators for adding and subtracting, giving you
dmg otherCard = health -~ otherCard^.damage