What is buffer returned by cv2.imencode
Here is example for 1x1 pix image.
import cv2
impor numpy as np
img= np.zeros((1,1,3),np.uint8)
en= cv2.imencode('.jpg',img)
print type(en)
<type 'tuple'>
print en[1].shape
(631, 1)
For some reason size of buffer not changed when the size of image changed:
img= np.zeros((10,10,3),np.uint8)
en= cv2.imencode('.jpg',img)
(631, 1)
Update: it's have different size for bigger image.
img= np.zeros((1000,1000,3),np.uint8)
en= cv2.imencode('.jpg',img)
(16503, 1)
With random data:
img= (np.random.rand(1,1,3)*255).astype(np.uint8)
en= cv2.imencode('.jpg',img)
(634, 1)
img= (np.random.rand(10,10,3)*255).astype(np.uint8)
en= cv2.imencode('.jpg',img)
(899, 1)
img= (np.random.rand(1000,1000,3)*255).astype(np.uint8)
en= cv2.imencode('.jpg',img)
(1175962, 1)
As per cv2.imencode
Note: cvEncodeImage returns single-row matrix of type CV_8UC1 that contains encoded image as array of bytes.
So basically the output depends upon the image format you define .png
, .jpg
, etc, each format has it's own serilization conventions and cv2.imencode
does precisely that. It also contains some meta-data related to that image format, ex: compression level, etc. along with pixel data.