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"Your request failed to complete", but nothing in log: How to investigate further

In Liferay, I see the following error:

Your request failed to complete

Problem: Absolutely nothing appear in the Liferay log

Question: How to investigate further?


  • For some obscure reason, Liferay has chosen to make some exceptions (even very serious ones) show up with the DEBUG log level.

    So, the solution is to set the log level to DEBUG (The com.liferay package should be enough for most situations):

    Liferay log level

    Don't forget to press "Save". Once set, try again (no restart needed), and you will probably see the exception appear, so that you can know exactly what is going wrong.


    09:34:29,903 DEBUG [http-nio-8080-exec-5][LiferayPortlet:587] com.liferay.asset.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException: No AssetEntry exists with the key {classNameId=20015, classPK=36354}
    com.liferay.asset.kernel.exception.NoSuchEntryException: No AssetEntry exists with the key {classNameId=20015, classPK=36354}
            at com.liferay.portlet.asset.service.persistence.impl.AssetEntryPersistenceImpl.findByC_C(

    This log level modification will be reset next time you restart Liferay.