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How can I generate a maven repository-ready library with swagger-codegen-maven-plugin?

I'm using the Maven plugin swagger-codegen-maven-plugin to generate a Java client jar. I put my swagger.json in the src/main/resources folder and ran mvn clean install. Here is my pom.xml.

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

When I run mvn clean install, a jar file my-java-client-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar is made in the target folder. It has source code in it, but no pom.xml file. There is a pom.xml file in the target/generated-sources/swagger folder but it has the groupId and artifactId:


The file in the target/generated-sources/swaggersays to include the following in your pom.xml to use the generated jar:


I'm guessing these are just defaults because if I generated multiple swagger clients they would conflict over the name, and I can see in the swagger-codegen source code that these fields are generated from placeholders like {{artifactId}}. I haven't been able to find where I can set these placeholders.

How can I get the jar to include a pom.xml with an artifactId and groupId of my choosing, so I can upload it to a Maven repository like Artifactory, and use it in my Maven dependencies?


  • It's not particularly well documented, but it appears you are able to override the artifactId, groupId etc from within the configOptions:


    Many of the properties inside can be set in the same way.