I have created a unit test project. I get an exception specifying
Unable to get default constructor for class *****.Tests.Controllers.PersonRegistration
namespace *****.Tests.Controllers
public class PersonRegistration
private ILoggingService _loggingService;
private IUserManager _userManager;
public PersonRegistration(IUserManager userManager, ILoggingService loggingService)
this._userManager = userManager;
this._loggingService = loggingService;
public void TestMethod1()
RegisterBindingModel model = new RegisterBindingModel();
AccountController ac = new AccountController(_userManager, _loggingService);
model.UserName = "test123@gmail.com";
var result = ac.Register(model);
Assert.AreEqual("User Registered Successfully", result);
To eradicate this issue some threads said to add an default constructor without parameters. So I added this also
public PersonRegistration()
But then I resolved the exception. But I am getting NULL
values for
and _loggingService
How to resolve that issue. I do not want to generate null values when passing.
Please help me by suggesting a method to solve this question without using Moq
or any other mocking frameworks.
As discussed.
Runs once when the test class is initialized.
public void SetUp()
_loggingService = new LoggingService();
_userManager = new UserManager();
You can also use
public void Initalize()
_loggingService = new LoggingService();
_userManager = new UserManager();
This will run before each test is ran in case you need different conditions for each test.
As discussed. ILoggingService and IUserManager are interfaces. You need to instance them to whatever implementation class "implements" that interface.
If you are unsure.. right click on the interface name and choose "Go To Implementation"