I need my pdf files that is generated by weasyprint to be some specified folder, for example in the folder "my_project/pdf_files/"
NOTE: I am using django framework for my project. And here is the structure of project.
Currently I have this in my views.py
def generate(student_id):
student = get_object_or_404(Student, application_id=student_id)
html = render_to_string('contract.html', {'student': student})
response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'filename="some_file.pdf"'
stylesheets=[weasyprint.CSS(settings.STATIC_ROOT + '/css/styles.css')])
return response
But this view does not store pdf file to a directory. It simply show file on browser. I need the file to be stored in the directory my_project/pdf_files/
Oppsite to me, I got the PDF file but couldn't view it on my browser. Replace 'myfile.pdf' to an absolulte path and check if if generates the pdf file. It work for me in my condition.