I would like to know if an update operation on a mutable map is better in performance than reassignment.
Lets assume I have the following Map
val m=Map(1 -> Set("apple", "banana"),
2 -> Set("banana", "cabbage"),
3 -> Set("cabbage", "dumplings"))
which I would like to reverse into this map:
Map("apple" -> Set(1),
"banana" -> Set(1, 2),
"cabbage" -> Set(2, 3),
"dumplings" -> Set(3))
The code to do so is:
def reverse(m:Map[Int,Set[String]])={
var rm = Map[String,Set[Int]]()
m.keySet foreach { k=>
m(k) foreach { e =>
rm = rm + (e -> (rm.getOrElse(e, Set()) + k))
Would it be more efficient to use the update operator on a map if it is very large in size?
The code using the update on map is as follows:
def reverse(m:Map[Int,Set[String]])={
var rm = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,Set[Int]]()
m.keySet foreach { k=>
m(k) foreach { e =>
rm.update(e,(rm.getOrElse(e, Set()) + k))
I ran some tests using Rex Kerr's Thyme utility.
First I created some test data.
val rndm = new util.Random
val dna = Seq('A','C','G','T')
val m = (1 to 4000).map(_ -> Set(rndm.shuffle(dna).mkString
Then I timed some runs with both the immutable.Map
and mutable.Map
versions. Here's an example result:
Time: 2.417 ms 95% CI 2.337 ms - 2.498 ms (n=19) // immutable
Time: 1.618 ms 95% CI 1.579 ms - 1.657 ms (n=19) // mutable
Time 2.278 ms 95% CI 2.238 ms - 2.319 ms (n=19) // functional version
As you can see, using a mutable Map with update()
has a significant performance advantage.
Just for fun I also compared these results with a more functional version of a Map reverse (or what I call a Map inverter). No var
or any mutable type involved.
m.flatten{case(k, vs) => vs.map((_, k))}
This version consistently beat your immutable version but still doesn't come close to the mutable timings.