It's a example app, have a Entry and Label, write a Entry number and the label write the same number.
I want aply MVVM model, but I don't understand what I need to do.
I don't know to create the ModelView.
In my code I have:
Model Persona, is Person whith atribute int age;`namespace HolaMVVM.Models { class Persona { private int _edad;
public Persona()
_edad = 0;
public int Edad
get { return _edad; }
_edad = value;
View MainView.xaml
Text="{Binding Edad, Mode=TwoWay}"
<Label Text="{Binding Edad}"
HorizontalOptions="Center" />
and MainView.xaml.cs
public partial class MainView : ContentPage
public MainView()
BindingContext = new MainViewModel();
But I don't know Binding person atributes to View
class MainViewModel : BindableObject
private Persona persona;
public MainViewModel()
persona = new Persona();
I suggests to take a look to Introduction to MVVM
and use PropertyChanged.Fody
Your Persona should implement INotifyPropertyChanged (with Fody...)
In your ViewModel you should have a "public Persona persona {get;set;}
then in your XAML you can bind something like {Binding persona.Edad}
these are the "basics", then watch @jamesmontemagno video