Under MacOS Sierra 10.12.5, I wrote the following script that I put in /usr/local/bin/update
to update all my packages at once:
brew update
brew upgrade
brew cask outdated|xargs brew cask reinstall
softwareupdate -ia
It always worked like a charm, including when installing MacOS system updates. But this time, I have an app (Slack) which is marked by the App Store as updatable (to the version 2.6.2 whereas mine is 2.6.0) but softwareupdate -ia
Software Update Tool
Finding available software
No new software available.
Even when running softwareupdate --clear-catalog --force --reset-ignored --list
, no available update whereas it's showing in the App Store.
Here is an unresolved thread with someone who had the problem too: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/2396385
Any idea? Has anyone met the same issue?
This post gave me a doubt: https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/110312/cli-softwareupdate-does-not-find-updates.
The CLI tool softwareupdate is only for OS X updates provided through Apple's software update catalog, or whichever .sucatalog is set in preferences for catalogs provided by OS X Server's Software Update service.
This update catalog does not contain details for Mac App Store apps, such as Xcode.
So I installed mas (Mac App Store command line interface), which allows to update the apps by running mas upgrade
, and added this command in my script.