Currently my team uses Git a.w.a Mercurial for various projects, So I am here to define my own vcs commands to make common things seamless between different projects/directories (git & hg).
How do I achieve this in fish shell? So that alias can trigger corresponding git or hg commands per directory/subdirectory basis.
You can determine the current git branch by running:
set git_branch (git symbolic-ref HEAD ^/dev/null | sed -e 's|^refs/heads/||')
and the current hg branch with:
set hg_branch (hg branch)
Then simply check which one is truthy, and proceed from there:
if test "$git_branch"
git $argv
else if test "$hg_branch"
hg $argv
echo "[X] Not in a VCS directory"
return 1
If you actually want to write a whole suite of VCS commands that are git/hg agnostic that requires a big more work to translate all the equivalent commands and map the arguments, etc.
This is generally not a good idea though, you're obscuring the actual behavior of the underlying system. It's better just to show the developer which type of repo you're in, or use a real compatibility layer like hg-git.