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Java SOAP request

In the course of my self education with SOAP I am trying to make a request:
1. For my tests I took a trader's api wsdl.
2. With the help of maven-jaxb2-plugin generated java classes.
3. Among the others there are such as: ObjectFactory, TokenRequest, TokenResponse, GetInfoRequest.
4. I am making new objects through the ObjectFactory and as I think I am doing a request:

ObjectFactory factory = new ObjectFactory();
TokenRequest tokenRequest = factory.createTokenRequest();
TokenResponse tokenResponse = factory.createTokenResponse();
GetInfoRequest getInfoRequest = factory.createGetInfoRequest();
getInfoRequest.getLogin();  //It's null

Why do I get null there (have I missed something)? Do I even make a request? How can I track if I really make it?


  • Do I even make a request?

    No, you are not doing a request, you are just creating objects over there

    check in your generated classes for two classes called ClientTradingService and IClientTradingApi you have to use those to do the request.

    ObjectFactory factory = new ObjectFactory();
    TokenRequest tokenRequest = factory.createTokenRequest();
    //create your service should be something similar to this 
    ClientTradingService service = new ClientTradingService();
    IClientTradingApi iservice = service.getBasicHttpBindingIClientTradingApi();
    //do your request should be something similar to this 
    TokenResponse tokenResponse = iservice.getAuthenticationToken(tokenRequest);
    //now you can get the info from the response 
    tokenResponse.getToken();//this should return the authentication token 

    To do some other request the process is exactly as the one above.